

余 征飛 准教授 (計量経済学 Econometrics)

The appealing aspects of my research

余 征飛 助教 (計量経済学 Econometrics)

In the modern world, we are bombarded with data and empirically justified conclusions, which often can be misleading. My field of research, Econometrics, focuses on the methodology of recognizing spurious relationships and uncovering true causality from data. For example, when observing a correlation between income and education attainment, we want to know whether it is because education has a positive effect on earning or it is because smarter people are more likely to attend college. In econometrics, an approach to answer this question is to use instrumental variables. A part of my research is concerned with some methodological issues of instrumental variables. I have also conducted researches on testing for multiple equilibria in economic models. This basically tries to find out whether variations in certain economic outcomes (such as prices and the unemployment rate) can be better explained by fluctuations in fundamental factors or by a self-fulfilling coordination mechanism.

Message for students

College students are privileged: you have the time, energy and ability to explore whatever attracts you. Enjoy and make full use of your college life. Many academic disciplines are closely related to each other. For example, if you search for resumes of economists on the internet, you will find that their undergraduate majors vary from history to engineering. So my advice for you is to explore and experience more. There is no hurry at this stage. Also, if you want a change, it is not late at all.